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Our Healthy Walworth - Low Emission neighbourhood

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News on Our Healthy Walworth - Low Emission neighbourhood

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A great start - help us reach more local people - Our Healthy Walworth

Our online consultation has been running for four weeks so far and over 500 people have visited the website, leaving many contributions that you can see on the online map. 72% of people responding so far have said they are supportive of measures to stop traffic making short-cuts between the Old Kent Road area and the Kennington area. This will be an essential part of the strategy to improve local air quality, create a safer and more pleasant environment for local people.

We held our first community event last week at East Street Market and the response was very positive: there is an appetite for changing the local environment: less through traffic - better bus journeys - safer walking and cycling - more attractive shopping and leisure. We'll be out again on Walworth Road on Friday 22nd November in the afternoon.

We need to hear from many more of you - especially younger people, older people and members of minority communities.

This is an important opportunity to influence the quality of life in Walworth, which impacts all who live and work in the area. Please go online and respond to the really simple survey - it is at or scan this code with your phone:

Please share this information widely using Facebook, WhatsApp, Twitter and email - or just tell your neighbours!

Thank you!

Posted on 1st November 2019

by Clement Agyei-Frempong